Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings, and theology for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and times of study and growth.

Pastoral Ministry Costi Hinn Pastoral Ministry Costi Hinn

Who Will Be the Next John MacArthur? 

Due to his immeasurable impact and massive shoes (that took 50+ years to grow), men of all ages ask the same question again and again: Who will be the next John MacArthur? Like mere men, we all have moments of fascination with how God appoints leaders in their time. In this article, Costi Hinn discusses how Christians should view ministry “succession”, warning against potential pitfalls and centering on the truth that Christ will build His church.

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Christmas Costi Hinn Christmas Costi Hinn

3 (Non-Legalistic) Reasons to Go to Church on Christmas Sunday

Christmas Day is on a Sunday this year, and it is causing a great deal of debate. In one sense, we ought to spend some time thinking deeply about it. After all, Sunday is traditionally the “Lord’s Day” and the church makes a habit of gathering no matter what, because that’s what we do. Yet in another sense, debates can be a little overblown as people lob grenades claiming that those who aren’t holding Christmas Day Sunday services are “sinful compromisers,” while the alleged compromisers fire back, “You legalists!” Wherever you land in this year’s yuletide war over Christmas Day church attendance, Costi Hinn shares 3 reasons his church has chosen to meet on that day.

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Unity Costi Hinn Unity Costi Hinn

Four Characteristics that Foster Unity

Unity is hard to come by in the Christian faith, but it’s important to fulfill our calling. And it’s achievable, no matter what secondary differences we may have. In this article, Costi Hinn outlines four characteristics that will foster the kind of unity every believer (and pastor) desires in their local church.

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Church Membership Costi Hinn Church Membership Costi Hinn

Why Church Membership Matters

There is a “membership epidemic” in the church today that must be addressed and solved. The idea of meaningful membership in the local church nearly went extinct during the past 30 years as churches became more focused on seeker-driven models, getting people to come back and fill the seats, and voting with their feet (the idea that you are a member by attending) based on how “fun” the youth center was; disregarding concern for the lack of biblical content.

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Theology Terms Costi Hinn Theology Terms Costi Hinn

Theology Terms Explained: “Ecclesiology”

Ecclesiology is the study of the church and deals with all aspects of the church including its purpose, structure, ordinances, and more. While some aspects of ecclesiology do not directly impact salvation, the way we honor God’s instructions as His church could make all the difference in the world — and in eternity.

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Mental Health, Suffering & Trials, Suicide Jesse Randolph Mental Health, Suffering & Trials, Suicide Jesse Randolph

Christians & Suicide: Biblical Truths for the Troubled Soul

Each time a pastoral suicide hits the news cycle, the Christian and secular publishing worlds forge an awkward alliance in an attempt to sort through the obvious question that is pressing in on everyone’s mind: how can—or how does—a pastor get to the point where he would make the decision to end his own life?

It’s a good question, and it’s a question that needs to be explored humbly and prayerfully for the sake of current and future shepherds and the overall health of Christ’s church.

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Evangelism, The Gospel Costi Hinn Evangelism, The Gospel Costi Hinn

Let’s Get Back to Gospel Power

Do you realize that you wield the greatest power on earth when you unleash the power of the gospel? We need not entertain the crowd or cave to culture; we need only to give them what they so desperately need – the truth and nothing but the truth! It is, and always will be the gospel that delivers unstoppable power.

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Evangelism Greg Sukert Evangelism Greg Sukert

The Call to Witness is a Call to Worship

Our world is deeply fallen. In the midst of our pain and fallenness, voices are crying out for social reform, for economic redistribution, and for major institutional changes to the educational system and law enforcement. After thousands of years of human history, our world is still blinded to the reality that the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart.

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Preaching Costi Hinn Preaching Costi Hinn

The Kind of Preaching the Church Needs

The church needs bold, biblical, unashamed preaching. Though most every church will claim they “preach” and that they preach the Bible, that isn’t necessarily the case. If there is one thing that a church must excel in prioritizing it is not a building campaign, story-telling, TED talks, pragmatic growth strategies, or more programs. It is preaching.

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Money Costi Hinn Money Costi Hinn

Video: Is Tithing 10% Commanded for The Church?

The term “tithing” isn’t as controversial as the definition is. Quite often, in faithful churches around the world, you will hear the word “tithe” attached to “offerings” as a traditionally general way to describe giving. A pastor might say, “This morning you can give your tithes and offerings in the buckets as they go by or online.”

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Social Media Costi Hinn Social Media Costi Hinn

4 Ways to Leverage “Social Distancing”

COVID-19 has changed the way we can “do church” for the foreseeable future, but that doesn’t mean pastors, leaders, and people can’t stay connected. While some Christian leaders may get sucked into the vortex of social revolution or cavalier rebellion, Romans 13:1 reminds us to be law-abiding citizens by respecting governing authorities.

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Pastoral Ministry Costi Hinn Pastoral Ministry Costi Hinn

10 Lessons from Online Seminary

This article may ruffle the feathers of those who teach, attend, or believe in mandated on-campus seminary training, but don’t get too fired up just yet. Let’s start by agreeing on this: physically going to seminary can be vitally important for a ministry leader.

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Sin Tony Wood Sin Tony Wood

3 Ways to Kill Gossip

You don’t tolerate gossip in the church. You slaughter it. If you don’t, it’ll slaughter sheep. There are few more sinister and Satanic assaults on the inside of the church than gossip. Like a parasitic demon, it often creeps in under the guise of victimhood; whispering to its host, “You really need to share your hurts and opinions with someone. It’s the Christian thing to do.”

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Church Membership Costi Hinn Church Membership Costi Hinn

6 High Commitments for Church Members

If you asked a large group of Christians what “church membership” is, you’d likely get an answer that sounds a bit like this: Church membership is being a part of a church. If you asked that same group what their role is as a member of Christ’s church you may hear: I am supposed to show up at church.

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Salvation Costi Hinn Salvation Costi Hinn

Can We Learn from Paul’s Conversion Assessment?

The conversion and commissioning of Paul the apostle is one that showcases God’s power to save and provides valuable lessons for new believers and their “next steps.” As a Pharisee and persecutor of the church, Paul was zealous for his traditions and outpacing all of his contemporaries in knowledge (Gal. 1:14). No one was better suited for a life of Law than “Saul.” Then, God intervened and (literally) knocked him off his high horse.

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3 Takeaways from India 2019

From January 25th – February 3rd I and a brother from our church embarked on a 34-hour journey deep into the heart of India. While it’s not necessary to share our exact location, I can share that we were in the southern half of India. Our objective on this trip was not to convert Hindus, but rather, to strengthen and encourage local pastors who are facing monumental challenges in ministry.

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